Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Write In Campaign

I think that conservatives deserve a conservative President to protect them from the liberalisation of the world. We all know that Vice Presidents have only two jobs. To inquire on the health of the President and to go to dinner with foreign heads of State. So, all this discussion on Vice Presidential candidate is irrelevant. Therefore I am starting a write in campaign for President.

Neo-cons deserve a President Reagan, who cares about foreign war experience. He was govenor of a large State and lead the U.S. Olympics in Salt Lake als, he speaks French. So, he can understand when President Sarkozy is talking about us behind our backs. We know that's what all foreign tongues do is talk about how they hate American.
Why waste your vote on someone who in the past has supported immigration reform, which included allowing illegal immigrations a pathway to citizenship.
Eagle Scouts were made for Presidency. I am encouraging all my conservative friends to vote for change and write in Mitt Willard Romney for 44th President of the United States.


Annie said...

I'll think about it, but only because you asked so nicely. :) Oh, and I couldn't read your pieces of flair.

Tupea said...

You think you are so sneaky...

SayitwithanH said...

No. Annie, you can vote for Obama. this is just for conservatives.

Yes. I am. *evil laughter*

Annie said...

So, are you saying I can't pretend to be conservative just to write in Mitt Romney's name? What if I decide I hate all candidates and just want to vote for a Mormon. What if I decide to write him in for every office on my ballot? Do you think they'll not count it?

SayitwithanH said...

Of course you can vote for whomever you want. I'm just encouraging conservatives as part my diabolical plot to vote for Mitt. Wait, maybe I shouldn't have written that. DANG! ;)