Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oprah and Chicken

Oprah is amazing. Whether you agree with her politics or think her shows have too many dramatic pauses during the teasers (that's what I think). She knows what women want. Whether its book club reading or giving America a new President. She has an instinct about what women want that many corporations wish they had.

This week she gave away FREE Chicken coupons to KFC. However, it was "grilled" chicken. So, once again my feelings are mixed. Grilled Chicken and KFC...I think I'll pass. Thank you for the thought Oprah.


Kristie Summers said...

i am not big fan of oprah - she just bugs!!!!! but what i would like to know is if she paid for those coupons or whether kfc gave the coupons to her in order to promote the company? i think a lot of times oprah likes to make it look like she is the one giving a product away when it is actually the company giving it to HER to promote. she is generous, but i think she is also very good at taking credit when it isn't earned.

SayitwithanH said...

Ah Kristie. You are cracking me up. You and your sister Felecia are obviously not in sync regarding Oprah. My sisters are both big fans. I like her too. I'm okay with her. I think she is a genius at marketing and understanding her audience. If KFC could go on Oprah, I'm sure that her advertisement of them alone is worth it. Its Oprah, she made women read classic literature that they didn't even read in high school. LOL.