Sunday, April 26, 2009

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

In let's say...January, I bought a weight watcher scale. I just took it out of the box about a month a go and I just put in the batteries, TODAY! So, I put it on the ground and tapped it, then stepped on it. YES! I have officially re-entered the no weightloss zone. Which means that I weigh exactly the same about as I did last year BEFORE I lost 42.4 lbs.

I was in denial that my habits had fallen so terribly. But, its true I am back to square one. I think this is like any goal whether its music, fitness or spirituality. It needs constant diligence to keep something up. Its a let down and I can't believe that I was in denial for so long. Last night I bought the frozen meals, I'm going to sign up again. I need to, its no use pretending I look good or I feel good. Okay, maybe I look good, but I can always look better. ;)


Dacia said...

I'm always in denial, but the huge mirror in the bathroom never lies. Unfortunately it's there to greet me right after I get out of the shower! Yikes. If I ever get to design my own bathroom, there will never be a mirror near the shower/tub :)

Good luck with the weight watchers. I wouldn't be able to give up coldstone for that :) I know--denial!!

Fiona and Hoko Tuakoi said...

YAY Hola!! Way 2 jump back on the bandwagon!! I so enjoyed your presence @ the meeting last night!! Love you!! Have a FANTASTIC week!! :D

Jacqueline said...

I know you go do it!!!

Unknown said...

I haven't been on your blog for a while, so sorry for the delayed comment but I agree that you look good!! Hey, I'm going to the meeting next week on Wednesday at 7p. Want to come? Just for a few ones to get us started?! I know it's tempting so let me know...