Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I don't have TiVo but I love TV

It seems that everyone has TiVo or DVR these days. I WISH I had either of them. However, I do not. Instead, I watch many of my shows on Sunday on my laptop. I love it!

Television viewing used to be either you snooze you lose. However, now people can make their TV fit their schedule. I don't know if this is dangerous idea or not. I'll give you an example.

My cousin Larry Moeaki (shout out whoo! hoo!) and I lived in my family's home in Provo when I first got back from my LDS mission. He was addicted to two shows at the time, The Practice and The Sopranos. I was not allowed to talk or even think about coming home during those two shows. WHY, you ask because he had formed "The Practice" club. To which he was the only member. On Sunday's I had to either go home to Salt Lake or stay at a friends house. If I did not, for the rest of the week Larry would not talk to me. So, to get around this rule, I petitioned to join the practice club. I wrote a formal letter and all. I was accepted only after a series of what can only be describes as hazing. We did bond and I know I am his second favorite roommate EVER, after his wife.

If I had owned a TiVo we may not have been able to have those hazing/bonding experiences.

I watch the following shows on the poor mans TiVo the Internet full episodes: Greys Anatomy, Ugly Betty & HOUSE.

P.S. Shout out to Jacqueline Crowther (who is not black) my Grey's Anatomy buddy and facebook complicated relationship friend. ;)


Annie said...

Totally agree. I watched The Hills last night online. Yep, it's my guilty pleasure. The Hills. I'm just waiting for Heidi to break up with Spencer because he's a manipulative jerk. Oh, and House, because I never seem to remember when it's on.

SayitwithanH said...

I watched a few episodes of the Hills, then I thought to myself, my life has to be more exciting than watching girls stare each other down and go shopping. Maybe if they actually fought, I would watch it. But, I couldn't take Lauren's staring. I thought that half the show was her giving eyeball glares to everyone. she had such delayed reactions to everything. It felt like I was watching CNN special reports from Afghanistan, her responses were always delayed two seconds. My older sister loves the Hills.

House is just so freaking hilarious. Its like a mystery that I will never solve before hand because I know absolutely nothing about medicine. Although there was a period where everything was a tumor of sorts. Then they killed someone, I was hooked again. ;)

Jacqueline said...

Argg! Grey's is pissing me off!!! This Denny thing needs to end. Seriously!

SayitwithanH said...

YES! Can it PLEASE end. I am dying as well, I wanted to jump through the screen and say ENOUGH! I'm almost to the point where I can't watch it. Part of the point of watching a drama is to think that it could happen to you, but seriously making out with your dead boyfriend. LIARS! I need my imaginary world where I am a world class surgeon. LOL.